I have been browsing as well as contributing for www.radiopaedia.org for quite some time. While there are quite many radiology resources on web, its the only collection which is open-source, yet most keenly monitored. Frank and his team of editors (fortunately I am one of them now), have made it a great website through their hawk-eyes, in spite of their busy daily life. Such a large collection of images, on simple as well as advanced topics, which is growing on daily basis. Its all because of regular contributions from radiologist all over the world. Enthusiastic people like Dr. Sajoscha Sorrentino had built a magnus collection of close to 250 good cases in few months.
I encourage all of this blog readers to visit, contribute and support the cause of this great radiology resource.
I encourage all of this blog readers to visit, contribute and support the cause of this great radiology resource.
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